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Nature Publishing Index 2012 Asia-Pacific Supplement

NPG Nature Asia-PacificによるNature Publishing Index 2012 Asia-Pacific Supplementに東北メディカル・メガバンク機構の記事が掲載された。

東北メディカル・メガバンク事業は、”To address critical medical problems after the earthquake in March 2011, Tohoku University created the Project for Reconstruction of Community Health Care to regenerate the local medical community and establish personalized preventive medicine.”であると説明している。

“This project is unique as it focuses on the genomic profiles of Tohoku residents, whereas other biobanks mainly analyse populations in the Western world. I hope we can soon achieve a ge- netic reference panel that can serve as a standard for Japan — I believe it will be the first such panel of an Asian population.” のように山本雅之機構長が説明している。

Categories: ToMMo.